I am a Front-end developer turned UX Designer with a passion for solving problems and making useful things for real people. Currently, I’m looking for an enthusiastic team of like minded people to build awesome things with.

I love learning how people think and behave, and I leverage research to design user-centered products and experiences which solve both user and business problems. 

I decided to change gears when I noticed there was something missing. We know, front-end developers can build fantastic UIs, but the primary target of a lot of companies’ products is to get more and more user satisfaction with the product.  I’ve always put users at the forefront by being the one on the team to ask: “what would they want, and why?”

Due to this, transitioning into the world of UX design seemed like a natural fit and now I get to create beautiful things that solve an actual problem.

As a person who has experience in designing and developing, I understand how the perfect user interface should look and work even better. I strive to create simple, original, and impactful user experiences. My favorite part about my job is creating user-centric, delightful and human experiences.

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